We do our best each school year to provide scholarships to graduating seniors, support our career & technical (vocational) programs, and award grants for the implementation of innovative teaching ideas in RISD classrooms. As you might guess, the financial demands of these opportunities are a challenge for our district to generate. Your sponsorship of these programs, which create authentic memories and experiences for our students, will help encourage them to pursue their passions and career paths.
To offset some of these costs, we are offering your business the chance to advertise your logo at all of our home football games. We will host over 20 of these events during the 2020-21 school year, with our Friday night games typically drawing several hundred people to the stadium.
Several sponsorship opportunities are offered. The sponsorship form can be completed and scanned to dgrimes@risdtx.us or mailed to:
Roosevelt Education Foundation
Attn: Dallas Grimes, Superintendent
1406 CR 3300
Lubbock, TX 79403
Any questions can be answered at 806-842-3212 Ext. 101